In 1988 we created our first system for construction of multi-floor highly seismic-safe prefabricated buildings made with large panels for the US market. The construction elements (large panels for construction of walls and ceilings; beams and anchors), as well as connecting joints between them when assembling these buildings were innovative and patent protected. The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia granted us a patent named “Cold modelling steel profiles as basic elements of construction of self-bearing panels and basic interlocking joints in connections in load-bearing construction of a building”. Upon a request from our US-partner, they were highly resistant to destructive effects of earthquakes of 9th of the Richter scale, wind blasts of over 300km/h and could be completely dismantled/reassembled at a different location for more than 20 times (the second-life of buildings, like used cars). After examining the prototype (picture right - AMER house) produced/built by our partner, the US experts confirmed that our buildings satisfy all building standards across the US. An accredited institute in Belgrade confirmed the seismic-safety on a prototype of our buildings in accordance with our previous computer calculations. Together with then-largest export company in the ex-YU-region Jugometal, we signed a 5-year precontract for production of 50000 three-floor-houses with a surface of 180m2 each with the mentioned US partner and produced the first 10 houses. That contract as well as our other contracts with our partners from Germany, Israel and Russia were unfortunately cancelled due to the war in the Balkans started shortly thereafter and the economic sanctions against Serbia that followed throughout the 1990s and the beginning of 2000s.

In 2009, bearing in mind the new EU legislation on mandatory construction of only energy-efficient buildings, we carried out all necessary changes and improvements of our previous construction system and thereby created entirely new system of prefabricated modular energy-efficient and energy-efficient &seismic-safe Phoenix-prefabricated-buildings (picture right– production in factory) made with Phoenix-panels and innovative eco-lightweight-granulate concrete (ASET-thermal concretes). An accredited laboratory and the leading IMS institute from Belgrade that conduct tests according to the EU norms and standards and in simulated operational environment issued us certificates confirming high performance physic-mechanical properties of ASET-thermal concretes and Phoenix-panels. A high quality of ASET-thermal concretes made of combined recycled industrial waste and Phoenix-prefabricated-buildings is also confirmed through prizes we won at the Contest for the Best Technological Innovation in Serbia in 2009 organized by the Serbian Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development. The expert evaluators proclaimed our innovation to be the best one in the field of civil-engineering with the best business plan.
With ASET-concretes also we made the revolutionary ELG-blocks for construction of all walls (including the load-bearing ones) and ELG-inlay-bricks for construction of ceilings of high-quality and cheap energy-efficient and highly-safe seismic buildings. We made 500 different concrete mix designs for various prototypes of ASET-concretes, from which we made several dozens of prototypes of innovative ELG-blocks and ELG-inlay-bricks. An accredited laboratory and the leading IMS institute from Belgrade that conduct tests according to the EU norms and standards and in simulated operational environment issued us certificates confirming high performance physic-mechanical properties of ASET-concretes, ELG-blocks and ELG-inlay-bricks. A high quality of ELG-blocks and ELG-inlay-bricks is also confirmed through prizes we won at the Contest for the Best Technological Innovation in Serbia in 2011 organized by the Serbian Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development. Once again, the expert evaluators proclaimed our innovation to be the best one in the field of civil-engineering with the best business plan.

Our company is led by Director Mr. Milovan Kršikapa, M.Sc. in Civil-Engineering, with a 34-year experience in designing, innovations and construction of buildings. He is the author of four of our company’s most important innovations and patents. He is authorized to solely represent the company and adopt all decisions and leads core management team together with Ms. Jovanka Kršikapa and Dr. Gorana Kršikapa LL.M.
Ms. Jovanka Kršikapa, is a chemical engineer with a 20-year experience and co-author of four innovations of the company, with a significant contribution to the choice of materials for the development eco-thermal concretes. She is responsible for optimal selection of construction materials which are to be incorporated into ELG.
Dr. Gorana Kršikapa LL.M., a lawyer and a permanent member of the innovation team for 17 years, who also co-authorred four innovations of the company has always proven to be one of the key members of out team and significantly contributed to our company's success in Horizon 2020 and other national and international projects.
Other experts involved in the work of our innovative company are civil engineers, mining engineers, chemical engineers, architects, economists and lawyers.