Using ASET-concretes we build 100% of the entire load-bearing construction of a building. We made more than 500 different high performance ASET-concrete prototypes with optimal combination of the most important characteristics: low density 1,000÷1,700kg/m3, low thermal conductivity 0.3÷0.9W/mK, high compressive strength 30÷60N/mm2 (load-bearing capacity) and low production cost 65÷95€/m3.
The key component in production of ASET-concretes are AW-granulates, produced through our new formula on the optimal proportion of various types of recycled industrial waste: fly ash, pyrite burns, recycled glass, granulated blast furnace slag, etc. Individually, all these wastes have been used in construction material industry for more than 30 years and their distributors have attests proving they are not harmful to human health. The building of load-bearing construction with ASET-concretes will significantly reduce the construction price (in comparison with building with RMX-concrete of our competitors), because our solution:
(1) has 3÷5 times lower thermal conductivity (energy savings on heating and/or cooling by 20%÷30%),
(2) is by 30%÷50% lighter, lowering the construction price in Serbia by more than 20%, and in the EU, the US and Canada by more than 40% (smaller concrete mass that directly leads to smaller dimensions of beams, columns and foundation), and
(3) the price of ASET-concretes is lower by 20% than the price of RMX-concretes.
Average prices ASET-concrete are 65÷95€/m3.
High quality of our ASET-concretes is confirmed through prizes we won for the Best Technological Innovation in Serbia and the best business plan in the field of civil engineering for AW-granulates and ASET-concretes in 2009, awarded by the expert evaluators of the Serbian Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development.
On 1 February 2016, our innovative ASET Concretes and ELG Blocks were awarded the "Seal of Excellence" in a highly competitive evaluation process by the European Commission. To download our AEDES Seal of Excellence please click here.
On 17 October 2016, our innovative our innovative ASET Concretes and ELG Blocks were awarded the prestigious "Horizon 2020 Grant" by the European Commission within the SME Instrument, Phase 1.

Using ASET-concretes, we made the prototypes of the following ELG-products: thermal blocks, thermal inlay-bricks, sleepers, safe-line barriers, and sound barriers, hollow-core slabs for ceilings and walls, kerb blocks.
The first application of ASET-concretes outside of the laboratory was in the construction of the largest bridge in Belgrade-Gazela during its reconstruction in 2012, which proved their extraordinary characteristics. We also applied ELG-concrete as a protection layer (flat coat under final asphalt coating) on the Beska Bridge over Danube, which is located on the Belgrade-Novi Sad highway – we guarantee its resistance to the destructive impacts of salt to be over 50 years.
Improvement potential of AW-granulates, ASET-concretes and ELG-products are reasonably large. Our team constantly works on the improvement of AW-granulates, which significantly and positively impacts the quality and production price of ASET-concretes, and consequently of the ELG-products. Preliminary tests we conducted showed that we can make AW-granulates, ASET-concretes, ELG-blocks and ELG-inlay-bricks of even better quality up to 30%÷50% designed for our buyers’ special indented uses with the price increase of only 10%÷15%, if we add natural geo-polymers and additives in AW-granulates.