Our competitors (80%) build ceilings of buildings with simple system components consisting of load-bearing concrete beams and clay inlay-bricks.

Due to the fact that inlay-clay-bricks for ceilings have low load-bearing capacity 10N/m2 (concrete has 30÷40N/m2), they only function is to serve as a mould for concrete casting. ELG-inlay-bricks for ceilings of energy-efficient buildings and highly-safe-seismic buildings have equally high load-bearing capacity like ASET-concrete that is cast over them, thereby building together the ceilings of a high load-bearing capacity (3 times larger than at our competitors), which directly leads to higher stability of buildings and lower construction price- by 30% in Serbia and 50% in EU. 

On 1 February 2016, our innovative ASET Concretes and ELG Blocks were awarded the "Seal of Excellence" in a highly competitive evaluation process by the European Commission. To download our AEDES Seal of Excellence please click here.

On 17 October 2016, our innovative our innovative ASET Concretes and ELG Blocks were awarded the prestigious "Horizon 2020 Grant" by the European Commission within the SME Instrument, Phase 1.

The new revolutionary innovative designs of ELG-blocks are business secret, are currently in the patent grant procedure and can only be disclosed to our business partners at this stage.

Average prices ELG-inlay-bricks are 0.69÷0.87€/pc.

Dimensions (other dimensions are also feasible in case of a market need):
ELG-inlay-bicks for ceilings: 40x14x25(40)cm, 50x14x25(40)cm, 60x14x25cm24cm
40x16x25(40)cm, 50x16x25(40)cm, 60x16x25cm24cm